The support level is around 3500.Today, I got it at 3400, and I got it again. All right. 3400 new horizon, the shortest-lived integer mark, just go through the motions in one day, and say goodbye tomorrow. Gee, I don't even want to sleep at night. Today, as of the close, 3,400 companies are poised to rise, and 2,100 companies have risen. More than 100 companies have daily limit. The outflow of domestic capital is about 80 billion yuan. The two cities contracted by 1.7 trillion yuan. Generally speaking, the anti-aircraft guns are low in suction, and the goods are received. Of course, friends who ride roller coasters are also blessed by fire. Because I'm not worried about stepping empty.What to eat tonight? What do you want to eat? It must be jiaozi! Pack the bears in jiaozi tonight and eat them up. A jiaozi gains a point. How many jiaozi can you eat? 10,000 yuan for a jiaozi, you can count it before eating.
If you open lower, choose the opportunity to be bold and low-sucking, and after pulling up, throw it high to make a positive T.Resume chat:2. The income is directly proportional to the risk, and the greater the income, the higher the risk. There are no exceptions.
Like it first, then look at it, and wealth will accompany you!2. The income is directly proportional to the risk, and the greater the income, the higher the risk. There are no exceptions.What to eat tonight? What do you want to eat? It must be jiaozi! Pack the bears in jiaozi tonight and eat them up. A jiaozi gains a point. How many jiaozi can you eat? 10,000 yuan for a jiaozi, you can count it before eating.
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide